Happy Tails - Reunited

Pet’s Name: N/A

How you got reunited?: Taken to a rescue, has a chip

Pet’s Name: Sam

How you got reunited?: Someone picked up and contacted owner.

Pet’s Name: Doak Hoover

How you got reunited?: Someone found and contacted.

Pet’s Name: Unknown

How you got reunited?: Unknown

Pet’s Name: All the furry friends

How you got reunited?: Our Community pulls together. Let’s bring them all back home.

Pet’s Name: Smokey

How you got reunited?: Smokey came back today. I continuously rang a bell and called out her name for the last several days.

Pet’s Name: Abigail

How you got reunited?: She found her way home

Pet’s Name: Sinatra

How you got reunited?: Family found him.

Pet’s Name: Coco

How you got reunited?: Owner found.

Pet’s Name: Bailey

How you got reunited?: Owner found.

Pet’s Name: Teddy

How you got reunited?: Found through community help.

Pet’s Name: Brownie

How you got reunited?: Found in neighborhood

Pet’s Name: Peanut

How you got reunited?: Found by Family